Thursday, March 18, 2010


Look Beyond your Crisis

As Haiti is going through its most devastating crisis right now or whether you have been in a crisis before, one thing remains certain, crises are for all of us under heaven. There is no exemption. The question is not 'if', but 'when.' However, you need not be taken unawares knowing that crises are inevitable. Most people think that dodging a crisis is the best way to deal with it. This is a big mistake that you must dodge. This is not the solution. How can we dodge the inevitable? At one time, it will hit and hit hard. Our only safety is in practicing the following three tips:

a) ID Your Crisis: knowing that a crisis is inevitable, be prepared at all time. It is not enough to be ready but you must stay ready, ever ready like the battery company's brand. I do not mean that we should think negatively all day long, that would be ridiculous. I mean we should recognize a crisis and be willing to confront it and deal with it. We must equip ourselves with adequate tools to tackle the crisis at the get go. In other words, be proactive to face the inevitable.

b) Confront Your Crisis: Do not stick your head in the sand thinking that it will pass you by while ignoring it. Problems do not go away, they get solved. Become a problem solver in little things and master the science of problem solving. A crisis is a tool in the hands of fear to cripple your abilities and possibilities. On the other hand, a crisis is a tool in the hands of faith to bring about a new dream, a fresh perspective and a new outlook. In the end, when the dust settles, a wise person will be wiser, a little stronger and more experienced to face the future. So, next time a big crisis comes your way, break it down in small pieces and solve them one at a time. Big results come in small solutions. And, yes, look beyond your crisis.

c) Look Beyond Your Crisis: Develop a sense of foresight and far sighted judgement. See the bright side when the dust settles. Cast your hopes and vision beyond the current reality. Most people wallow so much in the misery and the mystery that they do not see the end result. The crisis comes your way to make you a better person, to equip you with greater strength. Do not run away thinking, oh my! why me? Indeed the question should be; why not me? for when the ordeal is over, you will be a little wiser, a little stronger a little better equipped to face the next challenges ahead. It will be the rebirth of YOU. A new you is into making in the crisis right now by the Divine hands of Almighty God. Get ready, look beyond your crisis and see what God is changing you into. If you ask a man called Jacob in the Bible he will tell you, when my crisis was over, my name was changed from a supplanter and a thief to Israel, the father of a great nation. Look beyond your crisis for afterward, you will say like the commercial; before and after. Welcome the new you and remember this; your crisis was simply the rebirth of YOU. Be happy, be jolly, something brand new is coming from this. Yes, right now the noise on the streets sound like Friday when Jesus was crucified, however, if you listen again, you will hear the rejoicing of sunday morning like music in the air? Something brand new is happening in you and for you. Are you ready?

Apply these three above-cited tips to your crisis and let them be the remedy for your healing. God is not through with you yet. You are the best of you into making right now. And, its no telling when the process will be over. It may be this morning or noon day or it may be at twilight. Nevertheless, it sure will come. Don't give up so soon. Don't be gone too soon. Hold on, stay the course and do not let go. Let it be.

Sony Roy
Author and Artist

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